Chú thích Chủ_nghĩa_tự_do_cổ_điển

  1. Modern Political Philosophy (1999), Richard Hudelson, pp. 37–38
  2. M. O. Dickerson et al., An Introduction to Government and Politics: A Conceptual Approach (2009) p. 129
  3. Hamowy, p. xxix
  4. Steven M. Dworetz, The Unvarnished Doctrine: Locke, Liberalism, and the American Revolution (1994)
  5. Joyce Appleby, Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination (1992) p. 58
  6. Gerald F. Gaus and Chandran Kukathas, Handbook of Political Theory (2004) p. 422
  7. Hunt, p. 54
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